Why Stories?

We started Pros(e) of Pie because we love the modern storytelling artform. And we know many of our neighbors do too. We’re inspired by The Moth and how it’s spread wonderful stories across the land, stories of love, joy, achievement, defeat, sometimes heart wrenching, other times soul warming. For an idea of why we love these stories and what we’re trying to provide, listen to some of the recording over on the Moth Stories page.

This is an evolving project. For now, we’re looking for locals with stories they can tell in 8-12 mins. They can be funny, sad, cerebral, as long as they fit that month’s theme. Making the story fit the theme can even make it a better story than you realized. We’ll work with you to polish your delivery and timing. The rest is up to you.

And the Pie?

Why pie, you ask? Why the hell not we answer! Stories bring the community together, and so does pie. We want to leave you with souls warmed and bellies filled. Think of it as part enticement, part entertainment, and all Americana…

Disclaimer :

We are not affiliated with The Moth, but damn do we love it. If all goes well, we’d hope to host one of their regional events or serve as a source for its storytellers.