So many stories…. Many thanks to all the brave souls that joined us on May 17 for our first all open-mic show. So many of you put your names in the hat to share your “Mother Lode” themed stories that we kept the show going past 10pm! We’ll be posting some of the open mic stories so stay tuned.
…and such tasty pies. We had a bountiful array of 7 pies on hand this month. Special congratulations to May’s Pie Master – Margaret – who knocked us off our feet with her ‘chocolate-on-chocolate maple candied nut’ masterPIEce! If we’re lucky, she’ll be sharing her recipe with all of us very soon.
Remember to sign up for our email list to stay updated on all the Pros(e) of Pie news and to get first chance to buy tickets to upcoming shows. We’ll be announcing our first anniversary show shortly.