CHQ Theme: Choices & Chances

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We’re delighted to be presenting a very special installment of our show at the Chautauqua Institution. All week, we’ve been working with a dozen aspiring storytellers in our “Telling the Stories of Your Life” class.  They’re crafting their tales for Friday afternoon’s show.  The theme, as selected by our students, is CHOICES & CHANCES.



When: July 24th, 4-6pm
Venue:  Hultquist Center, 1st Floor
at the southeast corner of Bestor Plaza

FORMAT: This is a true modern form of storytelling, so the rules to follow are:
(1) Only true stories, please!
(2) They should be your own stories – something you experienced or observed firsthand.
(3) This is story-telling, not reading. Notes are allowed but no reading please.
(4) The story should be related to our theme – CHOICES & CHANCES. But feel free to stretch that theme to suit your needs!

Open Mic: In addition to our students, we’ll have several open mic opportunities for communities members to share their own 5 mins story related to the theme.

About the theme: Did you have to make a tough call? Miss an opportunity? Benefit from plain dumb luck? Here’s your chance to choose to share your tale with the rest of the CHQ community; and we want to hear it!  Bonus points if you can stretch the theme to fit your tale.

Pie: Pie will be available on a first come-first serve basis. Unlike our standard shows, this will not be a pie bake-off, but a casual pie social. So please limit one slice of tasty pie per person.

Storytellers: We’ll have prepared storytellers and plenty of open mic slots. If you have a great story you’d like to share, email co-producers Ivy Eisenberg or Zak Shusterman.

We all have a story within us. Come share, listen, and eat!